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Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Being in Us - Our Highest Value - (1265)

In Reality the Being is the Highest Value

If we look at a human being strictly from the outside, we have to come to the conclusion that the Real Being in that person is the highest value of that person.

This has to be! Let’s see why that is. Here are just a few of the many reasons why this is so.
  • Take away the Real Being of that person and we are left with a lifeless body, which leaves us here with the problem of having to dispose of it somehow. The essence of the person is connected to the Real Being, so if you take away the Real Being you also take away the essence, which is what gives life to the body.
  • The noble values and qualities are of a person are of the Real Being (even the bad ones are too but let's not get into that just now).
  •  The mind is limited and the Real Being is infinite, how can our mind be more valuable than the Real Being. The mind is an instrument of the Real Being. The Being is intelligence and wisdom, which are higher than the mind.
  • No ego is more valuable than the Being.
  • Take away the Being, and the ego goes too, because inside the ego is the essence.
  • No Being - no real happiness.
  • Consciousness is the main leg of the Being, without which we can do zero.
  • No Real Being then no presence in creation or in the Absolute.

Ok so very easy the Being in us is our highest value. The big problem though is that this conclusion is not alive inside human beings. Human beings are completely ignorant of this and if they do know about it, they are not yet convinced of it.

Inside of Most Human Beings the Real Being is not the Highest Value

In most human beings the highest value is something completely outside of themselves or either a mixture of something outside and something inside.

For some people the highest value can be family, their reputation, their honour, their self-image. For others, that is for the third type of man (centre of gravity in the motor, instinctive and sexual centres) the highest value is sex, sports, sleeping, pleasures, luxuries, sensations etc.

For those with a centre of gravity in the intellect, it could be money, intellectual ability, gold, diamonds, IQ, thinking etc. For those with a centre of gravity in the emotions the highest value could be success, friends, social gatherings, having fun, travel, holidays, respect, importance, love, parties etc.

How to Make it the Highest Value

It will become our highest value in octaves and it will start when it starts, but here are some steps or points to help it along.
  • Go over and over the many powerful and irrefutable reasons as to why the Real Being is the highest value in any human being.
  • Realise this truth in the intellect first, then in the emotion and then in the motor centre.
  • Discover what else we value. Then contrast this against the Real Being as the highest value.
  • Work to reduce the value we give to all these other things, as they now logically have an exaggerated value in us.
  • Nothing is complete or realised in us, until it reaches the motor centre. So then we have to live this out, live and act with our Real Being as the main focus and as the main goal of enriching, benefiting and drawing ever closer to.


This is really something so worthwhile, so important, yet we have to do it for ourselves, convince ourselves. Usually students get upset or recoil when their missionary or instructor suggests this to them. This is because they have not really tried to do it for themselves, or they don’t know how, or they have so many other things as their higher values, and can’t yet conceive how their Real Being can be their highest value.

End (1265).

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