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Wednesday 9 November 2016

Elevate the Erotic Current to the World of Conscious Will - (1266)


It is always difficult writing about sexuality. Because you can never be quite sure that people are understanding exactly what you want to convey, and not something else.

Here goes…

Erotic Impulse What do I Mean by That?

In everyone there is an erotic, electric current that runs through the connection that exists between our psychology and the centres of our human machine, especially the sexual centre. This special erotic electrical current acts as an accelerator. So it is crucial to have awareness and command over it, if we want control over our sexual centre and its energy, the sexual energy.

Normally it is at the service of the subjective elements within our psyche and is used to accelerate or increase sexual arousal for the fulfilment of desires that have their base in our psychology or in our instinctive centre. In people who do not have control over it, it is behind a sudden rush in activity that may result in the outward movement of the sexual energy.

In normal sexuality it is used in combination with passionate type of emotions. 'Passion’, as it is commonly understood in relation to sex would not exist without this erotic electrical current. 

In infrasexuality it is used to accelerate and heighten the intensity of those activities.

It is a double edged sword whose function is to move and accelerate the action of the sexual energy, it all depends on the direction, who, and what it is being used for.

I hope that you have found what I am pointing at. It is so innate within our sexuality that maybe you could be looking for something else. Everyone has it and it can be controlled by our psychology and this is where the significance of this post comes into play.

The God Eros with His wings indicating 'up to the heights' and his arrows indicating directed sexual currents.

Lift it Out of the Mind and Up into the Will

Normally it is our mind that initiates this erotic current to flow down into our centres and our mind gives it the direction to flow, which is usually outwards. Being very specific it is the elements in our mind that initiate its flow or direct its flow. Our instinctive centre can also use it and initiate its flow as well, though it is more our mind hat does it. If the mind does not use it the instinctive centre will. However, what is important here is that both our mind and our instinctive centre need to be trained. The quieter is our mind the better.

As we lack control over the mind this current gets used automatically when our guard is down, and even used against our will.

We need to take it out of the hands of our mind and elevate it to our will, so that it is firmly within the hands of our conscious will. Then we can better control our sexual centre, and the sexual energy and we can transmute much better than ever before.

Will in us initiates this erotic electric current to flow from within the sexual centre up the spine in to the brain and down into the heart. That is the inward flow of this current as opposed to the outward flow.

When it flows inward according to will, imagination is used. When it flows outward fantasy is used.

Then Beyond

Once it is in the hands of our will being sent upwards we have to concentrate on our consciousness, by being aware of being aware and direct it into our consciousness.

Then beyond that to Atman, to our spirit or to our Being.

We have to free it from the four bodies of sin, which are the mental, astral, vital and physical.

Hence the wings of Eros to fly upwards into the heavenly spheres and the arrows to direct the flow and hit and transform that which (egos) would thwart this upward flow.

End (1266).

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