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Saturday 19 November 2016

Where Does the Figure of 3% of Consciousness Come From? - (1292)


I have always wondered about where the number of 3% came from, and just now, while flicking through the pages of a book written by V.M Lakshmi I found an explanation. Here is the explanation in Spanish, which I will translate for you. 😀 

Original Spanish

"¿Donde está nuestro 3% de Conciencia?

- El atomo del Padre en el Cerebro Pensante.
- El atomo del Hijo en el Cerebro Motor.
- El atomo del Espiritu Santo en el Cerebro Emocional.

Pero el resto de conciencia ¿donde está?. En el Cóccix, porque allí está toda la condensación del Ego. En la psiquis están las emanaciones de el, pero la cárcel donde tenemos la Conciencia embotellada, esta en esa zona acá, en el cóccix. Ahi está el Centro Instintivo, está el hueso Sacro con todos sus diferentes niveles que tienen que ver con estos Círculos Dantescos."

Translated English

Where is our 3% of consciousness?

The atom of the Father in the Thinking brain.
The atom of the Son in the Motor brain.
The atom of the Holt Spirit in the Emotional brain.

But the rest of the consciousness, where is it? In the coccyx, because that is where the whole condensation of the ego is. In the psyche are the emanations of the ego, but the prison where we have the consciousness bottled up, is in this zone there, in the coccyx. There is the instinctive centre, this is the sacral bone with all its different levels that have to do with the Dantean circles.


According the V.M Lakshmi, who found the Gnostic organisation called the Gnostic Church in Venezuela, the three of consciousness that Master Samael said that humanity had, at least back in the 1960's and 1970's (don't know about now)  comes from the fact that the human being has three atoms of the his or her Divine Trinity within them in their three brains. It appears that each atom of the Divinity corresponds to one percent of consciousness. In short, because we have three brains we have three percent of consciousness, remembering that the three brains are receptacles to receive forces from the three primary forces, within us and outside of us. 

End (1292).

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