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Thursday 26 January 2017

A Good Key to Work Annoyance is: "We are the Same" - (1471)


In every annoyance we can observe that we are the same or the opposite. The element in us that does not ever want to recognise this is "arrogance".

Annoyance is, basically because we are the same, it is not being able to stand ourselves.

One definition of arrogance is to depreciate others when we are the same or susceptible to being the same. 

When we get annoyed at an old person, we forget that we will be there soon. And the harsh treatment that we give an older person will one be what we receive when we are old from a younger person.

Arrogance is stupid! Burn $100 when there are people without food?
See arrogance grossly ignores reality.

A Little about Arrogance (Come On Dissolve it Yesterday!)

In arrogance there is always some kind of rejection, unfortunately it is rejection that ignores our reality, and this is where we lack humility. Humility is not to be under, it is to see the truth and be balanced with the truth. Arrogance ignores reality as does false humility, just in opposite ways. One ignores and soars above reality and the other ignores and drops below reality. 

Price of Arrogance is Humiliation

That is why as my marvellous missionary says: "the price of arrogance is humiliation". This has to be this way, because when we are arrogant we reject unjustly and we veer away from reality soaring incorrectly above reality (always of course, sometimes in the negative way if you know what I mean: like rejecting help because we want to be more of a martyr). So when we veer away from reality the result is always pain and so the inherent karma in arrogance is humiliation because we humiliated when we rejected someone or somebody, we are humiliated.

Want to Avoid Humiliation?

If you want to avoid humiliation in your life, don't think, feel and act with arrogance.

I suffer seeing people being arrogant because I know humiliation is coming to get them. No matter who we are arrogant with, humiliation does not care, it will still get us. 

If we are arrogant to those who care for us and love us, all the worse will be our humiliation. I say this not because of theory but because of a reality lived.

Looking into Annoyance

If we look into what annoys us we will find that we are the same or that we do the same. Even our act of getting annoyed speaks volumes: it actually is saying that we have something just as strong as what they have. We get annoyed because we have a habit or a way of doing something that is different to their's but just as rigid, intense, imposing, etc. etc. So we are the same, just with a different face.

Annoyances and the Hidden Side of the Psychological Moon

We may get annoyed with others because they exhibit the same things as we do, but we don't recognise it, and we don't accept it either. Annoyances work with the hidden side of our psychological moon, meaning that we are not aware of them, and as soon as we are, they begin to weaken.

Arrogance works for the dominion of the hidden side of our psychological moon by making us think that somehow even if we do the same it is not as bad or it is somehow different. But in reality and karmically speaking it is no different! This is one of the hypnotic defences of arrogance and the hidden side of the psychological moon. Don't be fooled by your own arrogance!

Annoyance is Transformed into...

Annoyance of course is replaced with the conscious awareness that we are the same or susceptible to the same. This, in turn brings a degree of understanding, tolerance and patience. It is also awareness of the real difficulties that people face. Less annoyance is a state that is more aware of reality, especially the reality of people. It is also more acceptance of ourselves which extends to others.

End (1471).

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