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Wednesday 25 January 2017

Moments of Fragility - (1470)

There are those Moments of Fragility

There are certain moments of fragility that now and then, we may pass through. I say this, because I have seen it within myself and within others who have been sincerely studying Gnosis and working on themselves for a very good number of years. 

Such Moments Feel Like...

Such moments tend to all feel very similar, in that one feels as Bilbo Baggins said to Frodo before his last farewell speech to the shire (in the book: "Fellowship of the Ring"): "I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread."

One feels tired and fragile, where our normal capacity of tolerance seems to not be there, our patience is low, and our strength and 'fight' all seem low.

Or we could just feel extra weak in relation to a particular ego. We may feel overcome by anger, self-love, lust, annoyance etc. It does not always have to be that we are weak, tired and incapable.

There is also a typical kind of fear or anxiety that is commonly felt as well. This anxious feeling culminates with the thought: "if we feel like this for long we may not be able to keep going and we may fail, everyone else is so strong and I am not". We will look into this thought a little later.

The Truth is...

The truth is though, that such moments pass and if we hold true (don't do anything crazy or out of the norm) we always end such moments feeling normal again and even renewed. 

These moments of course have a reason and we really do ourselves an immense favour in knowing how to deal with ourselves in such moments. These moments can be quite intense and scary, and if one lacks some experience one may get a little depressed, unnecessarily worried and perhaps do something detrimental.

There are moments of fragility every day, when an ego reacts, that is a fragile moment, a moment of weakness, and we don't really get worried by this. Fragile moments, while we still have the ego alive and have a physical body and are under karma are normal and to be expected. No way should we get disappointed or depressed for having a fragile moment. 

Some moments are more fragile than other moments, some moments are taken within our stride and other moments may stop us in our tracks. Either way we should not at all be worried or depressed by them. Just pass through them that it is all. Then later overcome their cause. It is all how we deal with these moments that really matters. 

There are Causes

There are causes of course behind these moments of fragility. These moments do not appear out of nowhere, even though at times it may seem that way. 

Some of the causes behind these moments we may know and some we may not know. Despite the cause we have to know how to get ourselves through them.

First Thing to Know

The first and most important thing to know is that it will pass. It is a matter of just hanging in there and waiting for it to subside.

Because these moments are characterised by some sort of 'being worn out', we need some kind of rejuvenation that can come from repose or going somewhere that rests, relaxes and rejuvenates us. You know this can even be a half an hour walk on the beach at sunset or a leisurely stroll through a market place or a walk through the city on a Sunday afternoon, not a week away or a weekend away camping or fishing.

Don't Give Up! Keep Your Line! Just Do Less or Someone Else within Your Gnostic Line!

The best thing is to not give up! No way! but just know that you are needing some rest, some regeneration and strengthening. For this you may even just chant a mantra, meditate or practice some Runes, which bring us energy, healing and positive forces from the cosmos and the superior worlds. The Rune 'Man' combined with the prayer for healing from the Solar Logos is great for this. Ask your missionary about this if you are not sure.

Find the Cause

It is important if you can, later on do an in-depth retrospection to find out how this moment of fragility appeared. It will be very interesting to know what brought it on. 

With this knowledge we can avoid future recurrences of it. For relationships this is very valuable knowledge and it is worth sharing this with your partner so that they can understand what has happened and can help you to avoid it and if it happens again they will know what is going on and they will be in a better position to understand and help.

Major Lesson

The major lesson is whatever you feel in the moment of fragility do not GIVE UP!
Rest, rejuvenate, refresh and strengthen. Whatever the body feels it is not you.

We are not what the body feels, we and you are the consciousness. The consciousness will piece our system back together and harmonise it returning our strength. Know it will pass, your strength will return! It will! DO NOT DOUBT IT for a SECOND!!!

Once you are strong again get back to the work of the dissolution of the ego! 

End (1470).

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