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Thursday 19 January 2017

Advice: Help those who want Help! Wait for those that Don’t – (1460)


Because when you help those who don’t want help you are the one that ends up getting a rebound hit on the head.

When someone doesn’t want help they will reject it and somehow circumstances work out so that we end up worse off and it usually isn’t so good for them either.

This person wants help! Then it is good to help!

Seems Cruel But in the End it is Not

It seems cruel to not try but after we have gotten hit or received the ‘rough end of the stick’ we see that it would have been kinder just to have not helped and said “well if you need anything I am here.”.

It is silly to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped. We have to use our perception and read the person when we ask them about whether they want help or not. Use your psychological knowledge and skills and the intuition that we have and follow it.

End (1460).

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