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Thursday 19 January 2017

Transmutation Draws our Sexuality Closer – (1459)

Brings Our sexuality to Us

Transmutation brings our sexuality towards us and more into us. Lust and the loss of the sexual energy do the opposite of this.


With transmutation we come to integrate with our sexuality and we come to possess it and make it ours and not dependent on others, that is we come to appreciate it, value it and give it a dignifying presence and value within us. It becomes then a power of inner creation for us. A clear direction of how to use it and what to use it for appears in us.


With lust exactly the opposite occurs. Lust makes one to believe that our sexuality can only be appreciated by us if another is involved, we don’t use it to dignify ourselves, we don’t appreciate it, we are not conscious of it, we instead cloud our vision of it with the daze of desiring pleasure, the desire to get pleasure ends up causing us to go against the sexual energy,

That is why lust brings more lust and takes us further and further outside of ourselves. It takes us away from ourselves. And it is totally against self-observation, self-remembering, meditation and self-introspection.


Transmutation reinforces the truth that our sexuality is a self-contained system. Just like the Hermetic glass of the Alchemists. We have to align with that truth and not give to anyone in our mind. Chastity is a value that has inherent that truth that sexuality is a self-contained system. The opposite of chastity is to break that truth or principle that sexuality is a self-contained system. The truth always brings peace and the opposite of the truth brings the opposite of peace which is debt (have to repay), anxiety (unrest) and error (unbalance peace is balance).

A Way to Counteract Lust on the Spot

A way to effectively counteract lust on the spot is to transmute for real on the spot, breathe in deeply and channel it to the brain and the heart, and understand that lust is something psychological and that by transmuting we are bringing our sexuality more into us and that integration is a tiny mini joy of completion, unity, strength (because you are uniting your forces).

Focus on your sexuality and sexual energy and appreciate it consciously, remind yourself of the truth that it is yours and your Being’s and it is not to be appreciated through another person but directly by yourself. We can’t make it dependent upon another, other’s don’t care about it only you can, because it is your job to. Know that if you go with lust you will lose yourself and disappointment will only result, you will lose some dignity, if you are a man you will get into trouble with the feminine force, because that is the karmic result, as you disrespected yourself using the feminine force the karmic result is that the feminine force will disrespect you. If you are a woman you will find your relationships with men troublesome for exactly the same reasons.

Lust Counteracted with Action

Lust was created and strengthened with action and so it must be weakened and dissolved with action. The above or something similar does exactly that.

End (1459).

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