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Wednesday 11 January 2017

Anger and Lust are Very Similar - (1435)


Anger and lust are quite similar. I you know how to work on one, applying the same antidotes you can work on the other quite successfully.

Anger and Lust Similarities

  • Both are active. They seek out their goal.
  • They both have energy and force behind them.
  • They both are driven by desire.
  • They both look for what will satisfy.
  • They both agitate and destroy peace.
  • Both easily forget the consequences.
  • Both embrace the unwise logic of pleasure which is short-term pleasure at the expense of long term difficulty.
  • Both damage one's image.
  • Both destroy relationships.
  • Both destroy trust.
  • Both destroy reputations.
  • An angry man and a lustful man are both the worst thing for a woman.
  • Both can work as instruments of pride.
  • Both are tunnel visioned.
  • Both harm the bearer most of time more than the receiver.
  • Both make one to lose control of the intellect.
  • Both are more emotional, motor and instinctive.
  • Both are impulsed by thought.
  • Both act by instinctive impulses.
  • Both have: stop, think and direct the evoked forces into our interior to find a creative solution as the solution. With anger the forces of anger must be driven into the intellect to find the solution. With lust the sexual energy is driven into the brain and the heart using the techniques of transmutation of the sexual energy.
  • Stop and wait works for both of them because impulses by nature wax and wane and decline in time.
  • Antidotes for both are to drive the evoked forces into our brain.
  • Both have dire consequences.
  • Both waste enormous amounts of energy.
  • Both are irrational.
  • Both go against love and respect more than anything else.
  • Both are appeased with breathing. Breathing calms anger and breathing transmutes the sexual energy.
  • Both use the sexual energy and divert its natural currents. The anger that uses the sexual energy is devastating. Master Samael says that when the currents of sexual energy in the body are diverted we have the tendency to explode in anger and be very irritable most of the time.
  • Also Sivanda says that when one loses the sexual energy through normal sex or through the vice of masturbation one is easily annoyed and irritated and very prone to anger. 


The antidote to both anger and lust is stop and wait and to drive the energies into the intellect. With anger drive the force into the brain to invent the solution and with lust use the transmutation to transmute the sexual energy and move it into the brain and heart.

End (1435).

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