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Thursday 12 January 2017

The Formidable Implacability of the Law - (1436)

All the Force of the Cosmos!

The Law is implacable it has all the force in the Cosmos!

The stupid ego within us does not understand that!

The blind egos that we have always think that there is a way to escape!

The formidable implacability of the law shows us that there is no escape! The Law is more powerful than any one of our egos.

Sleeping Essence Thinks Wrongly!

The sleeping essence in the various egos sees the law through the wrong reference point, it uses the reference point of others. It forgets that we have a relationship with the Divine Law. It is ignorant of this, that we have an account with the Law, and so it can not choose the reference point for its thinking to be our own relationship with the Law.

The sleeping essence thinks that somehow the law won’t fall down upon us. It will fall upon others but not us. There will be time yet, it won’t happen now... it thinks.

It thinks that the pride in one can rebel and fight and push the law away. This is totally the wrong way of thinking, because the Law has much more power than anyone’s pride! The Law has the Absolute behind it. See if your pride can lift the Absolute. It can’t even lift yourself off the floor at times.

Meet the Formidable and Implacable Force of the Law

Sometimes it is very good that we meet the force of the Law in action and understand deeply with our consciousness that no one but no one escapes the Law.

The implacability of the Law is one huge solid reason why we should work to dissolve the ego, because for sure without doubt the law will fall upon us with that ego alive especially if it is actively making mistakes.

End (1436).

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