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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Annoyance is not Anger but the Start to it – (1453)

Not Quite Anger Just Yet

Annoyance is not anger but a precursor to anger. Before anger erupts we are often irritated or annoyed.

Annoyance is mostly a silent state in which anger brews in. An annoyed person can usually be spotted because annoyance can easily be seen on one’s face.

The words and actions of annoyance are not as dramatic or intense as anger. They are also not as definite or decisive and irrational.

The main action of annoyance is to reject or to avoid or to block.

Annoyance Superficial

What annoys us is usually something that does not bother us too deeply. When something bothers us deeply the usual response is emotional pain and anger. Annoyance dwells on the plane of the physical senses and their connection to the intellect. It does not concern moral issues or deep psychological issues, this is left to other egos to deal with.

Shares the Patterns of Anger

Annoyance interesting enough follows many of the patterns of anger. There is desire behind it, there is intolerance behind it and there is impatience behind it.

In general, there is the sense of inconvenience behind annoyance. There is also a mental pattern behind annoyance where we think that our pattern is superior to what is happening or to what another person is proposing.

A Downward Spiral

It is very good that one knows about this downward spiral transformation process. So to avoid it like hell!

Annoyance turns into Anger and anger turns into Hatred and hatred turns into Violence.

Sometimes the transformation into hatred and violence can be simultaneous or occur in rapid succession.

End (1453).

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