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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Annoyance Is? – (1452)

Something Psychological

Annoyance is something psychological in nature, which is very good news, because this means that we can modify our states of annoyance.

The key observation that tells us that annoyance is something psychological is that we for example easily get annoyed with our parents but not so easily annoyed with our work colleagues when they all do the exact same thing.

A Kind of Non-Acceptance

Annoyance is a rejection or non-acceptance of something. We often get annoyed with what we don’t understand (fear) or don’t accept (pride).

For example, when someone starts coughing and doesn’t stop we may get annoyed, this is because of fear, because we don’t know what is going on and our state of not 'having to worry about anything' is being disturbed.

Because of pride we don’t accept certain things and when people want these things or do these things that we don’t accept, we can’t help but get annoyed. Annoyance has behind it a lot of attachment to our way of doing things and the things that we like.

Hypnotic Grip within Annoyance

The strange thing is that we believe that someone for example, eating quickly and loudly somehow inconveniences us or a person who talks a lot is also somehow harming us.

In reality we are not harmed usually at all, but something in our mind, something of a mental pattern is challenged and we to preserve this mental pattern feel a desire within ourselves to say something or do something to the person or thing ‘annoying’ us.

“Our anger and annoyance are more detrimental to us than the things themselves which anger or annoy us.”

In many ways annoyance is the force applied outwardly to preserve the superiority or even existence of our mental patterns.

More to do with the Senses

Annoyance in general tends to have more to do with physical sensory and intellectual issues rather than moral and deep psychological, emotional issues.

Constant Annoyance Indicates a Low Level of Being

People who are annoyed at everything or so easily get annoyed, always seemed to indicate to me a low level of the Being. Many annoyances are really silly and it shows that we lack a lot of control and that we are too full of ourselves, because we are far from being able to surpass ourselves on that superficial level of the senses and the intellect.

End (1452).

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