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Monday 16 January 2017

Are you Scared of Mystical Death? - (1443)

At Some Level we are Not but at Others we Are!

At some level we are not scared of mystical death but on another level we certainly are.

When we talk to other Gnostic people about the themes of creation, the absolute, previous maha-manvantaras, future maha-pralyas etc. a certain fear can emerge in us. Especially when we contemplate the non-being type of existence in the Absolute.

We feel so small, like such a beginner, so insignificant, we are not special in any way, we are one of the millions of billions of divine sparks. Even the Great Work seems small, because as Master Rabalu said the real development of the Monad begins while in the Absolute.

How Master Samael says even that this is the third time His Monad has been a Cosmocrator or a regent of the planet of force known in this cosmic day as Mars. Master Samael says imagine how many times the regent of the central sun Sirius has been the abyss and back up again to be where He is right now, the regent of the central sun of our galaxy.

Way of the Absolute

To ‘not be’ to ‘not exist’ is the way to enter the Absolute. It seems that that is the way of the Absolute, and of course such a thing scares us. Because we are not ready for it yet. We are still fighting with trying to not identify with pride, lust, anger, intolerance that seem powerful and justified.

Our Work is Gradual

Our work in mystical death has as its final goal the ‘non-being’ of the absolute, where we will have to die to being so that we can merge into the ‘non-being’ of the Absolute, which is the total freedom from everything, especially creation. If we ‘are not’ we are totally free, it is like we never existed and that is total utter freedom.

Our work for now is to come to understand how the various egos that we have are wrong and that the essence is of the true way, which is in order with our Being, the Absolute and creation. Then we can die in those erred creations which are the egos we have.

One Day the ‘Non-Being’ Will be Embraced

Gradually, gradually we will too come to the point where the ‘non-being’ of the Absolute will be the right thing and we will embrace it with ‘our everything’ just as we embrace the death of an ego after much suffering with it.

End (1443).

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