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Sunday 15 January 2017

Chastity is Self-Completeness and Self-Containment – (1446)


A very lustful person is one that has lost self-containment and self-completeness. How unusual you say? Yes that is right, though, a lustful person is one who is not self-complete and not self-contained in relation to his or her sexuality.

A lustful person is always looking for other people and is one that gives away his or her energy. Such a person has the functioning of their sexuality totally dependent on outside factors such as other people and their fantasies that are about of course other people.

Role of Sexuality

The role of sexuality is that, to always seek completion or unity and once something is a unity it is self-contained.

This is because with the sexual energy we can create our own universe or rather complete the creation of our own universe, which is what we in Gnosis class as the self-realization. All that we need to complete our inner Genesis or rather the inner Genesis of our Being is our sexual energy and what is in our sexual energy.

No Inner Creation or Damaged Creation

So a lustful person does not have that inner creation or has damaged it (fallen bodhisattwa) and needs a new creation or to repair that creation. A lustful person is incomplete and so the sexuality of that person works to find ways to complete itself and looks for that completeness and self-containment by seeking out partners and becoming very dependent on them sexually and emotionally.

Lust Always Seeking

Lust is always seeking because, no partner can complete that inner creation (a partner is needed but having a partner does not do it), so there is always a void there and it looks and looks and thinks and feels that it is achieving something worthy when one finds a new partner. That is why lust has a roving eye, even when we are partnered etc. or not partnered. Only our own our transmutation fixes this issue by completing our inner creation or repairing it. No partner does that, but paradoxically we need an Alchemical partner to do that, because two opposite poles are needed to create.

We esoterically need an Alchemical partner but psychologically to have our sexual energy dependent on outside factors is something very different, and this is lust. The egos are psychological remember. Lust compensates psychologically for the lack of a complete esoteric inner creation.

Lust is totally off point, it tries to do psychologically only what the sexual force in us can do. It is a major distractor and fantasy factory, trying to make us believe in its project which is right but totally done the wrong way.


So the way out here is the esoteric work which has us understand that an esoteric inner creation needs to be completed and the sexual energy does when we ourselves by ourselves direct it inwardly and voluntarily. Lust does not understand this and it tries to do the same, that is trying to achieve completeness and self-containment by obtaining a reliable partner (one that it can depend on sexually) or several partners where here, it relies on the fact that it can obtain one partner after another reliably.

We also understand that the sexual energy used in the way lust uses it, is not the right way because having a partner or a new partner or several partners one after the other does not complete oneself and having our sexuality dependent on another person psychologically makes us a total slave (we can not rely on another) and so we are not psychologically in relation to our sexuality self-contained or self-reliant. Because the sexual energy itself is self-contained and self-reliant it has all that is needed within it to create, but lust does not see that. If lust were to disappear from us we would get things right with our sexuality.

End (1446).


  1. Excellent, powerful and tremendously helpful post! Thank you.

    1. Glad that you found it useful. It has helped me a lot also. I am working to deepen my understanding of it and so far it has me helped a lot.
