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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Desire Declutter – (1486)

Suffer, Hesitate, Vacillate, Procrastinate and are Inefficient

Because we have so many desires we suffer, we are inefficient, we hesitate, we vacillate and procrastinate.

Want a quieter mind, declutter desires. Because desire causes the mind to think.


Desire makes us to suffer. If we have no desires we feel free and we are free.

Hesitate, Vacillate, Procrastinate and Inefficiency

These four things are due to having too many desires in our system. Our mind’s role is to organise desires so that they can be fulfilled.

Mind the Organiser

When we have two or more desires our mind naturally tries to make plans so that they can be fulfilled. This means that our mind has to do a lot of careful prioritising and deciding and in general organising. The more desires there are the more organising our mind has to do.

Organising Requires Much Thinking

This requires a lot of thought on our part and this thinking takes time and this makes us slow. If our mind was really excellent at organising it would quickly create a plan and we would be on our way, but what happens with us in a real world is that our mind is not that good and there are always complications.

Difference Between Minds

The difference between people is that some have a good mind to organise things while others don’t have a good organising mind and when they have many desires they just collapse.

Cause of Hesitation and Vacillation

To decide between desires takes us time and so we become hesitant, because both desires are equal in strength we then vacillate between one and another.

Cause of Procrastination

Because we know that we have to decide between too many desires and it is going to be difficult we don’t know where to start and so we procrastinate. If there was one desire or none we would not procrastinate because we would know exactly what to do.

Cause of Inefficiency

This whole process of hesitating, vacillating and procrastinating makes us terribly inefficient.


Declutter desires and receive great benefits for our mind and overall well-being. Letting go of desires saves much mental effort, because there is not much to organise.

If we want to quieten our mind we need to declutter our desires then the mind will not have anything to organise and so it will fall quiet.

End (1486).

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