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Tuesday 31 January 2017

Poseidon or Neptune – (1485)


Just something on the aside, focusing for a while on something that you like, in this case Poseidon or Neptune definitely helps to change our internal state. If it doesn't then chanting the powerful mantram KRIM intensely while doing the Rune UR is sure to shake out any ego! Try it if needed.

Poseidon – Some Interesting Excerpts

V.M Samael Aun Weor

“Let us now remember that submerged primeval continent named Atlantis. In the land of the Pharaohs, ancient Egypt, the priests of Sais told the great Athenian Solon that Atlantis had been destroyed nine thousand years before they had such a conversation with him.

Our boastful modern civilization has not yet surpassed the Atlantean civilization.[ ] The God Neptune governed Atlantis wisely. The very sacred temple of this Holy God was dazzlingly admirable. The stockade or silver-coated walls of this temple were amazing with their remarkable beauty. All of its pinnacles and ceilings were made out of the best quality solid gold. With all of the royal splendors of ancient times, the ivory, silver, gold, and brass radiantly glowed within the Temple of Neptune.

The gigantic sacred sculpture of the God Neptune was made completely out of pure gold. The minds of his Atlantean devotees were infused with profound veneration by the mysterious, ineffable golden statue, which was mounted on a beautiful chariot and pulled by exotic, winged steeds, with the respectable court of one hundred gleaming sea nymphs around him.”

Samael Aun Weor, 1977 lecture

Manly P. Hall

“Like water, Neptune is recognized as a vitalizer and life-giver and in the ancient Mysteries was associated with the germinal agents. The fish, or spermatozoon, previous to its period of germination, was under his dominion.” - Manly P. Hall

Gnostic Warrior Website

“Neptune is God of the Sea to the “Sons of Neptune,” who are the great Initiates of the Sacred Isles of Crete. It is from this island, where we find the first true tales being told of sea-faring men, and who had formed the first navy under the leadership of the first law giving kings of the sea. A people known in myth and biblical stories, as the Minoans, Phoenicians, Curetes, Telchines, Philistines, Judeans, Greeks, the Sea Peoples, etc

It is Neptune who is credited with building a Navy and inventing horsemanship. On July 23, there is a Roman Holiday called Neptunalia, that was made in honour of Neptune. When Neptune arrives on the lands he conquers, he not only arrives with his mighty navy, but also his hippocampus-like horses. Many Navy's around the world still honour “King Neptune” in an ancient tradition of initiation called the “Line-crossing ceremony;"

an initiation rite, still current in many navies, coast guards, and merchant fleets. When ships cross the equator, “Pollywogs” (sailors who have not done such a crossing before) receive “subpoenas”to appear before Her Highness Amphitrite (often various dignitaries, who are all represented by the highest-ranking seamen). Some Pollywogs may be “interrogated” by King Neptune and his entourage. At the end of the ceremony — which in the past often included considerable hazing — they are initiated as Shellbacks or Sons of Neptune, and receive a certificate to that effect.”


Gnostic Muse Website

“Neptune is always depicted as carrying a trident of three points, which represent the three primary forces– affirming, negating, and reconciling. Many people may be familiar with the depictions of the devil who always carries a trident. A devil or demon uses the three primary forces to create, but negatively, so creating more materialism, hypnotism, suffering, selfishness in the world etc.

Neptune the god of the ocean, embodies the oceanic consciousness of the Being, as well as an individual’s internal sexual waters. Neptune therefore has the whitened trident and is the result of the esoteric spiritual work purifying the devil completely. The positive force of Neptune within us allows access to the mystical and profound depths of life, in a way that is balanced with wisdom.”

Neptune’s Sons

Gnostic Warrior Website

“Neptune's symbol is the trident. The sons of Neptune were Triton, Phoresis, Proteus and Glaucus. The wife of Neptune was a sea nymph by the name of Amphitrite, a daughter of Nereus

According to Hesiod's Theogony, Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea; Homer places his seat in the waters off Aegae. The story of the Argonauts places his home on the coast of Libya and rationalized by Diodorus Siculus as "then ruler over Libya." Triton was the father of Pallas and foster parent to the goddess Athena. Pallas was killed by Athena during a fight between the two goddesses. Triton is also sometimes cited as the father of Scylla by Lamia. Triton can sometimes be multiplied into a host of Tritones, daimones of the sea.(Wikipedia)

The mighty Tritons were a race of sea gods and goddesses born from Triton. Over time, Triton's class and image came to be associated with mermaid-like creatures, the Tritons (Τρίτωνες), which could be male or female, and usually formed the escort of marine divinities whose upper parts were human, and whose lower parts resembled fish. This part man and part fish we can surely witness today in the US Navy with their elite unit of God Men of the Sea, known to us as the Navy SEALS.  These are the Triton's of the modern world whose symbol is the Trident.

Neptune had caused earthquakes and deluges with his mighty trident. According to Hesiod, Oceanus was one of the Titans who was considered the ruler of the exterior waters encompassing the earth, and interior seas and rivers were assigned to Neptune.

Let us not forget what happened to the mythological island of Atlantis."

Concluding Excerpt

Gnostic Warrior Website

“A few words at this time concerning the symbolism of Neptune. While Neptune is popularly associated with the sea, he occultly signifies the albuminous part of the great egg of Jupiter. In certain schools of Orphic mysticism, the inferior universe (like the supreme, all-inclosing sphere) is symbolized by an egg. This lesser egg has Jupiter for a yolk, Neptune for the albumen, and Pluto for the shell. It is therefore evident that Neptune is not associated with the physical element of water but rather with the electrical fluids permeating the entire solar system. He is also associated with the astral world, a sphere of fluidic essences and part of the mirror of Maya, the illusion. As the connective between Jupiter and Pluto, Neptune represents a certain phase of material intellect which, like the element of water, is very changeable and inconstant. Like water, Neptune is recognized as a vitalizer and life-giver and in the ancient Mysteries was associated with the germinal agents. The fish, or spermatozoon, previous to its period of germination, was under his dominion.”

End (1485).

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