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Tuesday 24 January 2017

Everyone Understands the Teachings in Accordance with their Level of the Being – (1466)


This is something unavoidable, whenever someone listens to someone teaching or reads something from someone, the listener or reader will process that teaching in accordance with their level of the Being.

So for some it may just be meaningless because their level of Being is way too low or for others it may be spot on or for others it may very interesting and correct but not relevant to them because they have already absorbed such a teaching and understand it well.

There is always that gamete of variations, where some may remain indifferent, others impacted profoundly and others in agreement.


If a teaching goes over the top of our head or just does not seem relevant or does not make sense it could be that our level of the Being is not quite up to understanding it deeply just yet. In that case we have to keep working and one day soon it will impact us profoundly.

I think we experience this a lot with Master Samael’s works. At one point it just flies over our head but some years later it goes in deep and causes a mini revolution. The level of being also reflects states of consciousness, so there are higher states of consciousness at higher levels of being which allow us more comprehension encompassing the new and deeper comprehension of that which we already know.

End (1466).

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