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Tuesday 24 January 2017

We Need to do the Opposite of what we Commonly do with the Elements! – (1465)


In our physical world we have the four elements, and what is common is for us human beings to do with them is to use them to live. We live on the Earth and off the Earth, we live in the air and breathe the air, we drink water and we use fire to fulfil to help us the essential tasks and duties of our lives.
It would be good if we stopped there but we go further, we pollute the elements and misuse them, sometimes against their own inherent nature.

We Pollute and Misuse the Elements

We pollute the waters, we pollute the air and we pollute the earth. We trap and stop the natural flow of water and we excavate on a grand scale the earth. Fire is used to do all of these things, to pollute the air and the damn the water and dig up the Earth.

Our Inner Elements

We also have the elements within us and the ego does the same outside of ourselves as it does inside of ourselves. That is pollute and misuse, meaning that we have to purify and reassign their use.

The ego pollutes our inner air with negative thoughts (especially lustful and ill-willed ones), the ego also pollutes our inner waters making them dark and heavy, the ego through inferior emotions causes our fire element to burn emitting heavy dark smoke and the ego tenses and stains our earth element with all its various strains and tension.

Purify and Use Correctly

The best thing that we can do by the elements is keep them clean and use them in accordance with their nature. Allow water to flow, air to expand and move, fire to energise and transform positively and earth to stay firm, stabilise and keep practical.

The ego produces a lot of refuse within us and so it has to go somewhere. Just as in our physical world it goes into the elements it goes into our elements as well.

That is why just before the minor initiations there is the “Hall of the Fire” where the elements are purified relatively in us so that our Divine Mother in the form of the Kundalini when it is time for her to awaken can be nourished by relatively purer elements.

End (1465).

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