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Saturday 28 January 2017

Interest to Comprehension to Consciousness - (1474)


There is an interesting process that can take place within us when we are diligent or just when we stick with things and keep working. When we work this process happens in all of us very naturally and leads us to acquiring consciousness. In certain areas small or great we have already worked this process to fruition.

The Process

When we start studying Gnosis we have a kind of interest in esotericism. If we work with that interest and extend it by wishing to apply what we are studying, we end up getting an understanding of what we are studying and as we work to apply what we understand we deepen our understanding in waves of or cycles of octaves. 

Then gradually these octaves of understanding then become consciousness and our awareness, knowledge and depth of penetration are transformed into consciousness. Then the topic of our studies is fused into our Being and our general state of consciousness is enhanced and increased.

If we notice that we have interest in something we can drive that interest to be transformed into comprehension and\n then work that comprehension so that it is transformed into consciousness.

End (1474).

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