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Saturday 28 January 2017

Why We Know but Don't Do! - (1473)


The answer all has to do with consciousness and comprehension. I wouldn't expect the answer to be related to anything else.

If true comprehension is always demonstrated with facts, the answer has to be along those lines. In this post I am going to expand a little more upon this question, and maybe this may be of some help.

To Know is Good but is Only Half the Picture

To know that something is inconvenient is very good, and to actually not do that thing which is inconvenient is even better.

There are countless examples of this in life and in the work on ourselves. For example, in life we may know that driving above the speed limit will eventually cause us to lose our license but we may still do it, and in the work we may know anger is highly inconvenient, yet we still overtly get angry.

After a while this situation inside of ourselves makes us to really suffer. Why? Because we feel impotent and trapped in a journey half complete or a realisation half made. Any realisation is made complete when we bring it to actuality here in the physical world. The first stage of self-realisation is complete when the human soul is incarnated here physically. 

What is Going on then? How do I fix it?

This situation, which is what nearly all of us face all the time, that of knowing but not carrying through with action our very own nature and psyche says, has to be remedied one way or the other. And if we don't remedy it, as nothing in nature likes to float half done we end up undoing what we have started. But this is definitely not what we want!

Action and Cause

When we know that something is inconvenient we know the action, and we may be aware of the cause which is one ego or another. But what we are not really comprehensive or consciousness of are the consequences and the results.

Consequences and Results

The key is to be really aware of the consequences and the results of doing what is inconvenient. Our problem lies in the fact that we are just not aware enough of the consequences.


No surprise I guess, to complete the picture of knowing and carrying through with the right action is to make the results and consequences consciousness. 

The consciousness is the magic link between knowing and action. We need our consciousness to work and one way that we can do this is to focus on the consequences that we can force and go over and over them and ask ourselves very honest probing questions touching our intimate depths, do we really want that are we prepared for that, can we live through that etc.?

End (1473). 

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