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Tuesday 17 January 2017

Many Things Annoy Us Right? – (1451)

Many Annoyances

There are many things that annoy us in life. It is very difficult to find someone in life who does not get annoyed at something or the other.

What Annoys Us

Round 1

We may get annoyed with the humid weather, with the flies, with mosquitos, with dogs barking at night, with the cat spewing up inside the house, with computer being slow, with the car not starting, with the traffic lights, with the weeds in the garden, with the wind, with the heat, etc.

In general, we can get certainly annoyed with elements totally outside of ourselves.

Round 2

We may also get annoyed when someone chews with their mouth open, or chews loudly, slurps soup, slurps hot tea, coughs, sneezes, drops things, moves or fidgets a lot, eats non-stop, watches TV a lot, is on the computer a lot, smells bad, has bad manners, talks loudly, goes to the toilet all the time, breaks wind a lot, burps a lot, has bad breath, etc.

In general, we can and do get annoyed at the small details or misgivings of human nature.

Round 3

We may get annoyed when people stare at us, we may also get annoyed with people’s facial expressions, with people pushing-in in front of us, with somebody who doesn’t hear what we are saying, with somebody who doesn’t understand what we are saying, with someone who does not consider us and does not leave anything for us to eat, with someone who lives in a mess, has a stupid look on their face, easily gets nervous, is scared all the time, bites their finger nails, has their hands in their pockets, doesn’t help, repeats themselves, scratches a lot, is slow thinking and moving, procrastinates, hesitates, with people who get annoyed, with people who are angry, with people who are slow to understand, etc.

In general, we can get annoyed with the peculiar psychological characteristics and habits of people.

The stupidity of this guy can be annoying to some.


So basically, we get annoyed one: with things outside of ourselves, two: with the misgivings of human nature and three: with the psychological characteristics of people.

In general, though, all of these things are neutral in nature, they are certainly not voluntarily directed personal attacks, however the way we react to them most of the time is if they were.

Most of what annoys us are really very small in nature and there are really too many things that annoy us. It is worth working on all of them to get rid of them so to live a more peaceful life.

Another reason why we should work on them is because our annoyances produce a very out of proportion reaction. This is because what annoys us is so quickly over and so insignificant, that it shouldn’t even be worth our attention but for some reason we give it way too much importance, which in the end only makes things worse for us, where we waste much time, energy and consciousness.

Observe that it is very difficult to get annoyed at the Being or the Masters or anything spiritual. Mainly because annoyance only lives or exists in matter.

End (1451).

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