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Monday 23 January 2017

One of the Core Elements of Annoyance is a Lack of Intellectual Flexibility – (1463)


One of the cores of annoyance is a lack of intellectual adaptability. Behind this lack of intellectual adaptability is an intellectual resistance or laziness. It is very similar to the situation where we are relaxing and feeling lazy and then all of a sudden we are told to get up and do something and we get annoyed, but in the intellectual sphere.

Intellectual Laziness

Within annoyance there is a kind of intellectual laziness that does not want to make a mental effort to understand the person or put ourselves in their shoes or to try and work out what they are really saying or to see if there is really a problem. It is like an intellectual laziness that does not want to make the effort to think outside of its rigid patterns, likes and dislikes etc. This intellectual resistance contributes to arrogance and selfishness.

What a Small Thing Can Do

How interesting, sometimes behind such big and ugly egos or characteristics is a small thing and in this case it is the resistance to invest intellectual energy to be more conscious and actually focus on the issue at hand or on the person and leave our comfortable intellectual patterns, likes and dislikes etc.

The donkey is a symbol of the mind (because the mind is stubborn) and a symbol of resistance.
Working on overcoming  the mind's stubbornness weakens all sorts of annoyances.

Perhaps someone says something in a way that is different to the way we are use to hearing it. For example, someone tells us the time in 24 hour time and we like the time in the am/pm format and because we don’t want to make an effort to adapt to what is being said we get annoyed. Pride is behind that resistance to invest intellectual energy to understand the new time format because we believe our way of am/pm time is better.

The Essence is Light and Allows Energy to Flow

The consciousness is light and it does not impose any sort of resistance and so it allows us to freely and easily use our energies. The ego on the other hand is heavy, inert and blocks us from using our energies whether it be our intellectual, emotional or motor energies.

End (1463).

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