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Monday 23 January 2017

"I Have Not Worked On Myself Today!" – Then Demand it of Yourself! – (1464)

Oh no!

Sometimes we say to ourselves “Oh no I have not done anything today!” and we feel like we have wasted the day and a kind of loss - lamenting type of feeling enters our emotional centre. Then we get side tracked again.

Demand Work from Yourself

The way to avoid that is to then demand work from yourself. Demand that you observe something, demand that you comprehend something new or something a little deeper and demand that you pray to the Divine Mother and ask for the elimination of something.

Crack the whip on yourself. No one else will do it for you. You have to do it for yourself!

It is just like you are at work and you look at the time and you realise that it is late in the day and you haven’t done much, so what do we do? We just demand work of ourselves! If you are in Australia: “you just get cracking” don't you? And if you are in America: “you get it done” don't you?


In conclusion, we have to be regularly demanding of ourselves. Say to yourself: "Come on, give me work, give me death!". 

This is real rest and peace! Why? It seems like it is hard work? Well, it may be, or it may not be, but what it is for sure is peace. This is because when we don’t work on ourselves we feel uneasy, regretting, a little lost, a little empty, and longing always to the future to work on ourselves and that is not relaxing or peaceful. Is it? The work is NOW!

End (1464).

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