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Saturday 14 January 2017

Pride as the Cause of Being Vomited from the Absolute - (1441)


This post presents an excerpt from a transcription of one of Master's Samael's informal talks I believe.

It is very clear in explaining how pride was a major factor in the Monads being vomited from the Absolute into creation.

El Quinto Evangelio page 2412. V.M Samael Aun Weor.


"We are only no more than an atom, a simple atom in the bosom of the Absolute. The day that we achieve our integration we will be a luminous atom in the sublime bosom of the Eternal Cosmic Father, but nothing more than that, an atom. It happens that when one wants to be something else than a simple atom within the bosom of that which has no name, then, immediately, one falls into the world of three laws and afterwards into the one of six laws. A posteriori in the twelve and in twenty four and if his pride is very big, he will fall into the world of ninety six and continue submerging towards the second death.

The grave error of those divine atoms, we can call them Elohim, Gods or however we would like to call them, is to want to be more than a simple atom within the bosom of that which that does not have name. If one would be happy being what one is (a simple divine atom within the bosom of the Eternal Cosmic Common Father) one would convert oneself or become in fact a paramartha-sathya submerging oneself each time into deeper and deeper states within the bosom of the Eternal Cosmic Common Father; one would enjoy states of infinite and inexhaustible happiness. But this desire to be something more brings one to the manifestation. Such a progressive desire in the beginning originates the protocosmos, the world of three laws. As the desire of being somebody else or something else becomes more progressive the world of six laws comes and then twelve then twenty four and so on.

In this way the Universe correctly speaking, was a result of the karma of the Gods. The karma is the result of imperfection. And it is for this imperfection that one wants to be more than what one is. If we want someday to achieve the definite liberation, if one day we want to submerge truly into the bosom of the Eternal Cosmic Common Father, as of now we should concern ourselves with the radical elimination of pride. So we should put a lot of attention to this.


The disequilibrium of the Three Gunas is provoked when these divine atoms don't want to be submerged anymore in a Pralaya. To be capable of enjoying the cosmic night without disturbance of any kind, it is needed that the Three Gunas remain in perfect repose. And the Three Gunas are in perfect repose when the ineffables (those particulars that form the army of the voice) submerge tranquilly into the bosom of the Eternal Cosmic Common Father."

To be continued...

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