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Friday 13 January 2017

Lust is Major Fantasy - (1440)

Based in Fantasy

Lust uses fantasy most certainly but what is more, many of lust’s processes are based on fantasy. For example, when a man looks at a woman and vice versa, and it happens that the ego of lust is looking, he or she are already dreaming. How is that? I’ll explain.

When a man looks or vice versa, and allows their attention to be caught then what keeps the man or woman looking is the fantasy that a relationship could start or there could be possibilities etc. etc. and then the "I" of curiosity begins to work... The mind begins to then function testing the ideas present in the fantasy by making various calculations of 'liking' or 'compatibility' by projecting scenarios and evaluating the various reactions to the scenarios that appear within one’s emotion centre. This is pure fantasy, because nothing is going to happen, we don't know anything about that person, we only see and bite the unfounded assumptions of the ego of lust. To project these kind of things with some one driving past you in a car, walking past the front of your house or office, shopping at the supermarket etc. is just plain dreaming, deep sleep dreaming.

It is pure fantasy because nothing is going to happen between you and that person ever, and reality supports that because you never see that person again and they don't care - why should they, you are probably a weirdo to them. And say if something does happen, it will never be as per the projected scenarios. If something does happen it will be totally stressful and out of order and not conducive to anything proper. Especially if you are Gnostic and you are thinking like that, how do you know that person will like Gnosis? Probably they will not like it and then what a difficulty you would have gotten yourself into. Another big time dream right there - for heaven's sake.

Imagine a person is married and looks at people of the opposite sex and thinks in the way just mentioned above, such a person is hypnotised by lust. Only hypnosis makes a person look at, desire and fantasize about what they can not have and it is exactly this mechanism that produces suffering.

Dreams with People of the Opposite Sex

How can we trust our dreams at night with people of the opposite sex when lust is alive and lust is the major fantasy subscriber and fantasy projector in us?

I would be able to retire early if I had a dollar for every time I have heard someone talk about their dreams with someone of the opposite sex, and for it to end up in a disappointing and embarrassing flop. There are so many useless dreams of this kind, but what is worse people believe in them.

If you have a dream about someone you know like an ex-partner you could be really dreaming, if you think that because of that dream you have to contact that ex-partner and especially if you know that the ex-partner has a new partner and you are married. This could be like an intellectual and emotional type of adultery. Only we really know but worth looking into just to check.

I would certainly take any dream with another person of the opposite sex with a pinch of salt because the ego of lust is there projecting, which is its specialty and it is there interpreting things as well, another one of its specialties.

End (1440).

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