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Monday 9 January 2017

Some Modes of Mind - (1426)


Our mind has several modes, which it seems can put our mind into a certain way of kind of functioning for a short while. Here are only a few of the many functions or modes that our mind has.

Doing or Action

There is a definite action or doing mode to our mind where we do things in our mind. This includes planning and scheduling etc. Sometimes we can get carried away and do too much in our mind and not bring it down into real actions. This is also the 'fix it now' type of mode. There is also a certain way of thinking when this mind is in this mode. It can be a little impatient and aggressive towards ourselves and others.


There is a definite accumulating mode. Where the mind just wishes to store and accumulate data, information, experiences, advice, ideas, concepts etc.


There is the comparing mode which is very harmful and painful. This mode has to be kept under check and used only for making better decisions, such as when choosing between several items of the same type. Such as choosing what pair of shoes to buy when presented with several different pairs.


The association mode where the mind goes off thinking by association, associating one image, concept, word, with another and so on forming a long chain all linked by associations.

The Best One - Passive or Being

This is where the mind goes quiet and allows the essence to appear so that the essence can simply ‘be’. This is the best mode by far, because this is where we really get to know ourselves the best, and we spend time with our essence, and we end up naturally ordering and organising our psychology.


The main lesson is that too much of these functions is just no good. The best way is to use them until their natural practical limit and then act. The best mode of course is the being mode or passive mode that allows our consciousness to be active.

End (1426).

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