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Monday 9 January 2017

The Mind Organizes - (1427)

An Organizer

The mind is an organizer. One of its functions is to organize things. It is also a bit of a truth seeker as well. It seeks out bits and pieces of evidence to back up its points of view.

However, it is certainly a good organizer. It often organizes the will or the desires that we have. It creates a plan about how a certain will or desired can be best carried out.

Be Careful Though

Knowing that our mind is a powerful organizer we should be careful. Because the mind will organize naturally by itself whatever we feed it.

If we feed it dislike, resentment it will organize all of that disdain, dislike, rejection and resentment into hatred.

If we feed the mind a lot of impressions from movies it will organize those impressions into an elaborate fantasy.

If we feed the mind negativity and subjective truths, it will organize these things into mistaken negative concepts.

Positive Thoughts and Clear Logic

On the contrary, if we feed our mind positive things and things that are clear and factual, our mind will organize these things into a clear, cohesive perspective and it will pass that clear perspective down to the emotional and motor centres producing balanced and appropriate feelings and actions.

End (1427).

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