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Sunday 15 January 2017

What Are Our Karmic Responsibilities? – (1444)


Here is a summary of the things my marvellous missionary has said about karmic responsibility and karmic reparation.

Direct Harm

Certainly I think that everyone who knows about karma will understand that we are responsible for the harm that we cause others and ourselves, and so it will be us that will receive the balancing effect which will be to receive what we have given out.

Indirect Harm

What about the circumstances that our actions unfold? Are we responsible for them as well. For example, say we unfairly berate someone that we know is very sensitive and they leave in a very fragile state and they end up having a car accident. Because of the car accident that person can take his sick to her hospital appointments and that means that the other brother has to, and the other brother only has one car and the wife of the brother ends up getting late to work and she is late for an important meeting with a new prospective client and that causes all manner of worries and difficulties for her company because the meeting did not go to well.

Are we responsible for these other side effect circumstances? The answer is yes to some degree. If we are responsible, we have to pay something.

We are also karmically responsible for what we say and write as well. We can’t have the attitude that it all depends on how others take it. It does of course to some degree but it is important to bear in mind that we have some responsibility there as well, especially for having spoken or written something it in the first place.

If we tell somebody to do something and then we forget about what we advised them or we don’t want to know anything about it when they come to tell us about what they did, we are avoiding our karmic responsibilities as well.


We sometimes think that reparation is to receive what we have been given or to just repay the damage if there is physical damage. But it could be depending on the case much more.

For example, if we crashed into someone’s fence and damaged. Reparation is not just to give them the money to cover the cost of repairing it but to repair it and to repair the psychological shock or difficulty it could have caused in them as well. Plus cover any inconvenience that having a damaged fence could have caused. Sometimes people give extra money and that is getting close but perhaps it is not quite as complete.


Our karmic responsibilities are wider than we think at times and this just means that we really have to be much more careful before we speak and do things.

End (1444).

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