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Sunday 15 January 2017

Our Being Teaches via Duality – (1445)

What Quality do we Need Most?

Our Being teaches us about what we need the most and how to get what we need the most using duality.

If Chastity

If it is chastity that we need our Being will give us lust and provoke the “I’s” of lust within us for us to know what it is precisely that we need and precisely how we can acquire it.

If Tolerance

If it is tolerance that we need we will be filled and provoked all of the time by annoyance, anger and feelings of superiority and inflexibility.

If Love of the Being

If it is the love of the Being that we need, we will be offended and feel offended, hurt, rejected, trodden upon, abandoned, isolated, lonely etc. all of the time.

Apply Duality

If we just apply the exact opposite of the egos that are appearing in us and apply the opposite to the way that they work, we can get to what we are needing.

We must really know things about the ego very first before we apply the opposite of them. For that we need self-observation.


Sometimes the answers are right there in front of us and duality is a an extraordinary method to turn the ordinary and overlooked into knowledge, consciousness and wisdom.

End (1445).

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