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Friday 17 February 2017

Intellectual Analysis of the Ego is Good to Tell you the 'What' of the Ego – (1521)

Why Analyse?

We analyse the ego or anything for that matter to know more about it. That is what analysis is for and also what it is good for – to know more about something. So if you want to know more about something try as a first attempt to analysis it a little.

Analysis is essentially done be prising the apart and examining in closer detail what each part does of the thing that you are studying does. Analysis then concludes by putting all that we have found together, and that is the final result of the analysis. Analysis must take us to some sort of conclusion.

This conclusion is not everything though, especially when it comes to the work of the elimination of the ego.

Move Onwards

Once we know more about the ego, we have to drop analysis and use other means to progress in the elimination of the ego.

The next steps are comprehension and counteracting the ego by affirming the free value of our essence that is conditioned in the ego are what is needed. If it si lust we are working on we must counteract lust by transmuting etc.


Intellectual analysis has its use and after that it becomes ineffective if we want to progress further in understanding and dissolving the ego we have to move onto the other stages mentioned above. If we don't move on we get stagnated.

End (1521).

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