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Friday 17 February 2017

Connect Power to Power: Consciousness to Sex without Mind and Emotion - (1522)

We can actually reach our sexual centre and its energy without the intermediary of the mind and the emotion (or with minimal participation).

Doing exactly this is better, as there exist many processes in the mind and in the emotion that can divert our attention.

Placing our attention directly on the sexual centre and its energy we can perceive directly that innate vitality and power that the sexual energy possesses. 

Then we can in amazement and awe of its creative potency and power begin to transmute and direct that energy with our attention and will. With little or no involvement of the mind and emotion. With just attention and will. 

Of course there is a little bit of mind and emotion but certainly that little bit of mind and emotion is not at all the leading process, attention and will are.

This way is a way that is more efficient in that it does not allow mind and emotion to absorb or use up sizable quantities of energy for the processes present or to amplify the processes present there.

(If you re wondering how does someone connect consciousness to sex, just place your attention on the sexual energy and become aware that you have your attention on the sexual energy and then try and perceive in a slightly more profound way your sexual energy. Then you are connecting your consciousness to sex.)

End (1522).

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