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Saturday 18 February 2017

Lust Over Values Sensations - (1523)


Looking at the survey results that you can find near the bottom of this page on the right hand side, you can see that people are wanting more to read posts about the psychological work and in particular about how to work on lust and pride.

So addressing these results I thought I would post something about the work on the ego of lust.

Overvaluing Sensations

There is one thing in the ego of lust that I think is very obvious to all of us and that is that it most definitely gives I would say an out of proportion value or importance to sensations.

I remember my neighbour telling me one time (he was a truck driver) that he nearly overturned his truck because he was driving and staring at a lady who was provocatively dressed and walking along the side of the road.

So that is a prime example of how we can actually give too much importance to a sensation at great risk. That is take a great risk for a sensation of less than a some seconds. It hardly seems worth it does it for a sensation that does not really deeply to the point of our soul dignify or satisfy us. 

The truth is and the above example shows this that in lust there is absolutely definitely, a high value given to sensations and the above example also shows us that giving this high value is something not quite right is it? Another more appropriate value can be given to it.

Why should a sensation that can inconvenience us and make us feel terrible be given such a high value? Why should we give a sensation an over exaggerated value? Do you know why your lust gives sensations such a highly exaggerated value? Come on ask yourself the question and get an answer, a profound answer. 

Work to Give the Right Proportion

So noticing that we give sensations an over exaggerated value we need to do something to bring it into line.


Let's see how we can do this.

Intellectual analysis can help us here. If the sensation is of the five senses we have to analyse what it is that impresses the senses so much and then analyse the senses themselves. We have to know what pleases in general the senses and what emotions we derive from the senses being pleased.

We also have to know what is it that really pleases us. If a part of the body pleases our senses then we have to dissect that part of the body. Take the skin off of it and see the organs behind it and then go behind that. Because that is really what we are admiring. When we do that it does not seem so worthy of such huge value does it? Everything changes doesn't it?

Then we have to look at the emotions that we generate based on the sensations from the senses. Are those emotions right and real interpretations? Also the happiness or goodness etc. that we think that we can get from the emotions of those sensations are they really the only places that we can generate those emotions? Are they really satisfying? They aren't the only place are they? So why give them the most unique high value that we give them? Give them a value but not an exaggerated value.

How Again

What about the sexual sensations then?

The same principle applies. We have to understand the sexual sensations and the interpretations that we give them. It is most likely that we give these sensations an overly high emotional value. Perhaps we give them an absolute value when they really don't have such an absolute, eternal, everlasting value. Do physical sensations have an absolute, an eternal, perennial value? No they don't they are only experienced buy people and no one else knows what has been felt so they are relative and subjective. Relative to the body and not everyone feels or experiences the same do they?

The interpretations are relative aren't they, it is relative to who, how, why etc.? The interpretations tend to address a person's lack or needs etc. The lacks and needs of the person take the sensations and interpret them.

Right Proportion

The right proportion would be to use the end result of the sensation. Always always the something is known by the result it produces and so what happens is if we look at the end result of the sensation we can give it is right proportion. The Being in us is given the 'all and everything' value because it really merits and deserves that because it is really and truly our 'all and everything' or our alpha and omega.

To approach them with awareness and give them a normal amount of attention not to ever lose oneself in them because they are not worth that. They do not merit that. Doing that results in the absurd really which is the loss of the sexual energy to no logical end.

The sensation will pass very quickly and leave you with nothing so why give it such a huge priceless  value. The Being in us and our essence and consciousness has infinitely much more value as do other things in life, humanity, nature, study, etc. Even our work, that is what we do to earn money so that we can eat, drink and have a roof over our head is more valuable.

We have to drill these things deep into our consciousness. First of all start by drilling these things deep into our mind then they move into our emotion which then becomes understanding and then the understanding enters gradually and slowly into our consciousness and the more we act out our understanding the more we affirm and make consciousness out of our comprehension.


Sexuality maybe everything but sensations are not, even sexual sensations are not. Sexual energy as the creator of everything is everything and sexuality as the combination of any two poles to create something new is everything but the sensations of sexuality etc. are not everything the result of sexuality is the more important thing.

We are really silly, it is exactly like this, imagine a 3D printing machine in operation. The lustful behaviour would focus on the sights, sounds, movements, etc. of the machine operating and it would ignore the result the machine's work (i.e. the 3D printed object) completely.

All the sights and sounds go and what is left is output from the machine and that is what is of value. That object can then be put to use in many ways and do some marvellous things. What lust does is just focus on the sights and sounds of the machine operating and then ignores everything else. That is the nature of lust. Quite silly isn't it?

End (1523).

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