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Tuesday 28 February 2017

To End the Series on Mantras – (1556)


We have to make the magic of mantras work for us. The previous series of posts I hope will help with this. The power of sound is real and demonstrable and it can work for you. I would like to end this series of posts with an excerpt from Master Samael about mantras.

The Power of the Universe is Sound!


Phonetic combination made with wisdom produces the MANTRAMS. Therefore, a MANTRAM is a wise combination of letters whose sounds determine spiritual, psychic, and also physical effects.

Before all the languages of the Tower of Babel were revealed, only one language, a language of gold, a universal idiom existed. That language has its perfect Cosmic Grammar. The letters of that golden language are written in entire Nature. Whoever has studied the Nordic runes, and the Hebrew, Chinese, and Tibetan characters, will be able to perceive by intuition, that “Cosmic Language” with its enigmatic letters.”

V.M Samael Aun Weor (Logos, Mantram, Theurgy)

End (1556).

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