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Wednesday 1 March 2017

Train to be an Athlete of Sexual Transmutation – (1557)


For sure we have to train ourselves to be an athlete in the transmutation of our sexual energies. Don’t think of ‘athlete’ in terms of the Olympics but rather someone who has trained themselves to be able to efficiently transmute their own sexual energies. You don’t have to be in shape and fit but have the physical, psychological and esoteric qualities needed. This does not always come for free so we have to train ourselves to get there.

This training implies physical, psychological (more mental) and esoteric training.

The first part of the training to be completed is the physical one and is a very important one. Maybe the most important one. Because it sets up the body to respond with transmutation, and this is a life saver.

Many people who suffer from nocturnal emissions etc. do so because of a lack of this physical training.

Physical Training

In the physical training the goal is to train the body to instinctively transmute. That is the body has become so accustomed to transmuting that it does it instinctively.

It is instinctively aware of the sexual energy and always operates to move and channel the sexual energy.

For the physical training a discipline is required because a new nature has to be established and this takes repetition and awareness, nothing more.

Physical means physical exercises. So a very good start is the HAM-SAH because it is quite physical, it combines breathing, mantra and concentration. With the physical training it should be done more physically, that is closing all of one’s sphincters, inhaling deeply, clenching one’s teeth, tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth and physical effort to make all the small muscles and micro energy pumps in the body to work in making the sexual energy to move up the spine into the brain.

Mantras at this stage are not effective or that useful. They are more effective once the person has established the nature of the inward and upward movement of the sexual energy within, or at least more than the other opposite nature, which is the downward and outward nature, in their own body.

Psychological Training

This is something more mental than anything else. Here the mind has to be trained to be able to let go of any other interfering thought and concentrate exclusively on the movement of the sexual energy into the brain and then down into the heart.

Concentration and visualisation play an important role here, as the sexual energy can be moved by imagination and will. Once the body has been trained to transmute, all the small muscles and micro energy pumps obey the concentrated mind in working to move the sexual energy inward and upward.

Esoteric Training

The esoteric training consists first of all in knowing the esoteric side of sexuality. It involves knowing what sexuality is for esoterically and how it is used esoterically.

The major points here are, which everyone knows, the awakening of Kundalini, the creation of the bodies and the dissolution of the ego.

It is really this component that gives the whole reason to transmute or in other words lays down the foundation for transmutation.

If we don’t have this solid esoteric foundation for transmutation alive and kicking within us, we will in time go astray. Perhaps stop altogether or go off on a tangent.

End (1557).

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