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Monday 20 February 2017

Remember You Generate the Pain You Feel! – (1528)

No I Don’t! Yes you do! Thank God you do, because if you generate it, you can Remove it!

See thank God that we generate the pain that we feel. Because if we generate it we can turn it off, change it for better or worse or turn it on again.

Hearing this may come as the worst news ever when we are in pain. But let me tell you something, realising this is the beginning of the way out of pain. No other way works but to keep you stuck in pain!

Just as a famous Buddhist teacher and monk says: “The way out is in!”.

Please Don’t Forget it!

See the thought that you are thinking that is making you feel pain. See that it is a thought that is responsible. No thought no pain. Then see that you are believing deeply in that thought. So begin to question that thought. That pain is good it is bringing you back home to your Being and it is making you awaken. Questioning what you are believing is to know yourself more and it is to introduce light into darkness and to show you that what you are believing is not necessarily true and that there is an option that you can take, which is a pathway to the light where that pain dissolves.

End (1528).

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