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Tuesday 21 February 2017

It is Written in Nature that Sex is Rightfully Controlled by the Mind and the Heart – (1529)

Design of the Body

If we look at the human body we see that the sexual centre resides in the middle of the body and the intellect and heart in the superior parts. This tells us everything that we need to know.

Upright Order

When a human being stands upright it is seen that the head of the human being presides over the rest of his or her nature. The head, the brain receives the forces from above and rules over the forces of below within the nature of the human being. One of the forces of below is the sexual force.

The sexual force must be controlled, regulated and directed by the mind and the heart using one’s consciously chosen set of reference points. The reference points of the Gnostic are the path and the Being.

We hope so, often we find that they are not in some Gnostic people. This is because we would say that they have not grasped the role of sexuality in the goal of the self-realisation of their Being or they have not worked on themselves in that area or their lust is just too big at the moment.

By Law

It is within the laws of life that have descended down from below that the sexual centre is one which is to be generate and be presented in all but it is to be ruled, directed and used intelligently. That is its principle, that is how it has been designed, made or created.

It is very much like the engine in a car. The engine provides the power for everything the but the engine does not work by itself it requires a driver who gives it a direction in which to apply its force. As the working of the engine must be controlled so too must the sexual force be controlled. Otherwise just as in the case of an out of control car, the only thing waiting is disaster.


Realising this natural order within the universe and our own universe or body we can help ourselves to restore order within us and therefore take another step further in the dissolution of lust. Once again lust and the egos of sexuality are blind to many things and this is one of time. They don’t know about the right order of things in relation to the sexual centre and so they disrupt the natural order which brings imbalances and imbalance brings pain, and that is the end result more so that the fleeting pleasure that it seeks.

End (1529).

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