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Tuesday 21 February 2017

We Need Values to Stand up and Fight! – (1530)

Values Work

The values that we have in our body and in our essence allow us to get up and fight.

The values in our essence work on the body and command the body and in time if our body lacks vital values, the values of the essence with constant exertion, bring vital values into the body, making it strong and able to work.

The values of the essence can crystallise into many other values i.e. dharma. One such crystallisation of dharma are vital values.

Values Rebel

The values in our essence are the ones that rebel against the degeneration of the values inside of us.
The values work over time and wish to conquer their opposites.

The values are like an army, just like our body’s immune system that organise themselves in order to fight infections and viruses.

With the work on ourselves the values advance more extensively and rapidly through our system.

The values do not ‘divide and conquer’, they conquer and unite.

Co-Operate with the Wish of the Values

Our work is to co-operate with the wish of the values of the essence to express themselves and gain their victory of presence in the physical world. They descend in order to stay.

Do not block, hinder or be afraid of them.

Values Ignited!

The people that do not stand up and fight lack values or either their values have not been ignited into rebellion against the structures of darkness within themselves yet. The Monad in one is the fire that ignites and orders the values to wage war to conquer the psychological space for His descent.

The values in many good people who fight for a value to win over the opposite have their values in activity. Those that fight for a cause are fighting for the victory of certain values.

This is the reason why you persists in the psychological work, even after you fail and it is the reason why you return to work and work wishing, hoping and suffering in the waiting for the day that you establish that value within you.


It comes down to the fight for values and the prevalence of one or another value.

When we chose to block them or override them, then that is when the flame of their fight for victory to conquer our psychological and physical land is snuffed out and the dark forces of degeneration begin to settle in.

Always there is hope, a man can be regenerated from the bottom of the mud, if there is co-operation with this task. A value can be resurrected from near oblivion and become stronger than ever the main strength in a person.

End (1530).

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