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Wednesday 15 February 2017

Why Three Minds? – (1516)

Post Revised: 24/02/2024


  • Each of the three minds has its values and data source.
  • Each of the three minds also fit into a certain hierarchical structure.
  • The three minds are related to the three realities: physical, psychological and esoteric.


The values of each of the three minds is its source of data. For the sensual mind its values are the senses. For the intermediate mind its values are beliefs. For the inner mind its values are the values of the consciousness and the essence.

What each mind values more than anything else are the values from its source of data.

Sensual Mind

What is of value to the sensual mind is what can be sensed with the three senses. Anything that can not be sensed is of no value and is regarded as unimportant.

The sensual mind can see something and it will sift through its values and see it only from the perspective of its values. For example, the sensual mind when looking at money will only see money’s tangible value, which is how it can be converted into things that can be sensed by the five senses. The sensual mind does the same when looking at human beings. The sensual mind does the same when looking at various activities and even countries.

What is of importance to the sensual mind are physical: senses, sensations, size, weight, quantity, etc.

Intermediate Mind

Concepts and beliefs also dogmas, are what is important to the intermediate mind. It is very willing to accept plausible beliefs. The intermediate mind just does not believe everything and anything it screens various dogmas for plausibility and decides to believe or not.

An interesting aside for you, but a hierarchy none the less.


The three minds obey a hierarchy, where the inner mind rules over all of them and the intermediate mind is stronger than the sensual mind. There have been so many cases where because of religious beliefs, people have denied themselves some kind of medical procedure or remedy even when their sensual mind knows that without this procedure or remedy they will most likely die.

When the inner mind perceives the truth from the consciousness, it sets a calm into our whole system that even if the intermediate mind and sensual mind protest and disagree, the truth perceived by the inner mind prevails.

Connection to Three Realities

The sensual mind pertains to our physical reality and the inner mind to the esoteric reality. The intermediate mind is associated with the psychological reality. We have to be careful here because the intermediate mind does not deal with psychological realities or truths it believes and those beliefs influence our psychology and set foundations upon which we think and feel.

As everything cascades down from the esoteric reality, it is what rules over our psychological and physical realities, and if things change in our esoteric reality these changes cascade down into our psychological and physical realities. So the same effect is followed with the inner mind.

Loosely speaking we may say that there are three minds owing to the presence of the three realities or three basic broad dimensions of life.

End (1516).

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