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Wednesday 15 February 2017

Pray to Reach God, to Inwardly Touch God Within, Not Just to Recite Words – (1515)

The Focus of Prayer

Prayer is not only to recite prayers must it is more the real conscious effort that we make to reach God within us.

That is why prayer has not worked for people! Because they have not prayed with this intention. With the intention of reaching or drawing closer to their inner God or Real Being! They have just been reciting with feeling certain words and have not been transformed or nourished or changed.


The following excerpt from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov is very interesting.

“We can only come into contact with God, the Cosmic Spirit, by coming into contact with the spirit within us, with our higher self. So when you pray to God, you are actually seeking to attain the summit of your being. And if you succeed, you will release a vibration which is so pure and subtle that its diffusion within you will produce the most beneficial transformations. And even if you fail to obtain what you have asked for in your prayers, at least you have gained a few very precious elements.

What gives meaning to prayer? The effort you have made to reach the summit within you. Thanks to this work you set in motion an energy out there, far off and very high, which on reaching you, produces vibrations of extreme subtlety – sounds, perfumes, and colours – that regenerate your entire being.”

End (1515).

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