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Tuesday 14 February 2017

You are the Real Living Book! – (1512)

The Real Bible is you!

Bible means book, and the real complete bible has to be none other than the whole of reality, all that is alive and contained in the Universe. That is the book to read!

For present in the complete living reality are all the laws, principles, elements, forces, values, ideas and images of the Great Reality.

All the sacred texts of the religions contain a part of this reality, but they are not the same as the complete living reality.

The Complete Living Reality

We are really the complete living reality. As we are a complete universe, replicated in miniature we are that living book only scaled down.

Even though we are scaled down, all the principles, laws, values, ideas and images are still present all the same. These things are without form and are replicated as they are independent of any scale. They are contained in our Real Being which are also alive in the Great Universal Spirit of Life.

You don’t really need to read the bible or any sacred text (very helpful if you do though to start) because you are that living reality. Knowing yourself is the same as reading that great book of God.

End (1512).

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