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Tuesday 14 February 2017

Is Seeking Independence from One’s Being the Way? Nah-uh! – (1513)

Why Not?

We have been seeking independence from our Being perhaps for centuries. Why? So that we can do what the ego wants without any remorse of conscience. We want to be doing exactly what we want to do without any consequence, whether it be internal or external.

A Secret

(A secret: you know your very own Being is the Law in you! It Is not really the judges of the Law, they see that your inner scale is unbalanced and they administer the way that it gets corrected, but we unbalance it not them, and we unbalance it by going against the principles and laws present in our own Being).

The Life we have…

But the life that we are trying to enjoy to satiation and live all to our own, comes from the Being and is also the Being’s Life. The health, vitality, intelligence, awareness, even the humanoid state belong to our Being and are so, by his virtue. If you have no consciousness mate you can’t live independent of the Being, you just don’t know anything and you can’t do or enjoy anything either, can you? Of course not! You would be a bag of bones no life no awareness, and even though people want a life separate of their Being no one wants to be a lifeless and unaware bag of bones.

Didn’t Trust

We didn’t trust in the Being and so we fell, not trusting the warning that out there won’t be any better than in there, that is, within the bounds of the Absolute.

Trust Again

So when we broke away we transgressed and received the consequences and that created pain and then the rejection of that which caused the pain arose in us and then there appeared fear in us. And the origin of fear the end result of breaking away is distrust, we didn’t trust in warning of the Being. So to repair that debt of distrust we have fear to grapple with. The more we trust again the more we dissolve fear and the closer we come to our Being once again!

Back on Track Now!

Sorry that was a long diversion, and not sure where that came from but what I wanted to say is that we are silly trying to live separate from the Being because the apparatus that we use to enjoy and live, is from the Being and we could not live separate it weren’t for Him so why then bother to live the lie, why delude ourselves and fall into the delusion that we are living separate from Him. Why do it? Why be totally arrogant and disobedient children of our Real Being and Divine Mother?

How wonderful and merciful is the Being, they allow us to live separately giving us of themselves so that we can live, but they can not magically reverse the consequences of having broken various laws. We have to do that, that is why we have to work and work, and doing this allows us to know that really the Being is and was right, and we must trust Him with everything that we have and that being outside of him is not better than being with Him and in Him.


Of course when we even though we are deluded when we veer away or separate from our Being we break away from His will which is the Law in us and whenever a law is transgressed there are always consequences and so we get them, that is the law we are not immune, we receive the consequences. When we break away we stop being fed, nourished, helped, guided, supported, educated and taught and protected and many other things…

If we break away too radically we end up becoming demons and end up rotting in the abyss, waiting for nature to unravel the crystallised results of our delusion and disobedience.

When we Leave the Being we only get into trouble that is what yours, mine and the experience of all others tells us.

"But I don’t want to be the Being"

You are that already! You can not be otherwise! "I want to be different, to be the Being means jail!". To be something means jail! Of course to be something means jail and that is why we left the absolute to be something or someone and to be more. To be the Being is to be one, one with all others and it is also to not be anything, it is in the profoundest state the non-existence and then the non-being. That is freedom, total freedom isn’t it mate! To not be anything is to be the Being in the most profound depths of our Being. To be someone or something is jail. We are messed up we don;t want to be the Being because we are scared and we don't want to not be the Being because it is jail.

End (1513).

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