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Sunday 26 March 2017

"Got to Have" Element - A Common Denominator in Lust and Greed - (1620)


There is an element in our psychology that is about "having".

It so turns out that this element is not particular to one particular ego, it is actually common to several or more different egos.

This element actually links these different egos.

This is good news becasue if we work on the "Got to have" element we can weaken several egos all at once.

"Got to Have"

Lust is a lot about possessing and so is greed, as is gluttony. 

When this "got to have" element is strong in us we end up continually buying multiple versions of the same object. Like buying one watch, then another and another and yet another. 

Greed, lust and gluttony work incessantly in this way they always want one then a new one, then another one etc. etc. All because the ego receives a new impression and then gets impressed and says "I got to have it". 

"Don't Have to Have".

In reality we don't have to have. The more we have the more complicated, and impractical it all becomes and the more problems we end up facing, and the truth becomes very obvious, we don;t need it and we don't have to have it. Thinking and feeling that way actually harms us.

Understanding this point very deeply and working on it will help reduce and dissolve this "got to have" element.

The "Got to Have" Element Draws A Cycling of Egos

Because the "got to have" element runs through several different egos, it is behind a cycle that we can observe in our psychology. For example, lust may manifest and when it declines greed appears then then gluttony and perhaps another ego.

If we are successful in not feeding lust, because of this, lust then retreats from the forefront of our psychology and the next ego with a strong 'got to have' element running through it will become active in order to bring something new "to have".

Behind the "Got to Have" Element

Behind the "got to have element" there is a reason why it is there in our psychology. The "got to have" element is processed in our psychology as a need. This need could be processed as relative to our image, and when something deals directly with our image there is some suffering.

These false needs, can be seen as something that completes us and makes us feel that we have accomplished something, and accomplishing that one thing allows us to feel good things towards ourselves.

End (1620).

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