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Friday 24 March 2017

How Karma Works Within Us Part 2 - (1619)

Unbalanced Inner Scale

When we do something harmful to another or we receive something hurtful from others or we develop an inner negative state, we inevitably affect our inner set of scales. In other words we unbalance ourselves.

The effect of having our inner scales unbalanced makes us to feel many things, but in general I would say unwell.

Can't Escape it!

We may do something wrong and nothing negative or restraining or constraining comes to us from the outside, and we think that we are fine and have gotten away with it, but our inner scales have been unbalanced and here is where we will pay.

Sometimes this way of paying is much worse...

But remember this inner negative process is the result of our own actions, we did it to ourselves and so we pay have to pay for it or correct it.

How the Inner Scale Rectifies Itself Within Us

Feeling guilty, feeling restless, feeling anxious, feeling unwell, thoughts that torment and nag us, difficulty in sleeping and eating are all actions of our inner scale moving back to balance. When we have internally suffered enough are inner scale becomes balanced once again.

We can accelerate this returning to balance of our inner scales by working on ourselves and serving humanity giving them the light from what we have learned about the error and about the ego that committed the error. Also any practice psychological or spiritual or any sacrifice that is aimed at dissolving the cause of the error moves our inner scale in favour of balance.

Inner Karma a Psychological Process Against Us

No work on ourselves equals our inner scale having to rectify itself with inner pain in the form of a process that goes against us. An inner process that uses our own will to harm us. This inner process takes the form of anxiety, fear, lust, anger, hatred, restlessness, self-deprecation etc. and many other things that erode and eat away at our peace of mind, our calm, our relaxation, our well-being and our values and virtues.

The thoughts: "I don't deserve to be happy.", "I don't deserve to be loved.", "I don't deserve it.", "I can't be relaxed and happy." are all expressions of this inner paying that is taking place meanwhile our inner scale comes to balance.

Also a very low opinion of oursleves is another expression of this.

The problem is that the inner karma uses our psychology to process itself through psychological processes, but these processes are maintained by the subconscious and that is why we can't so easily stop them and most of the time we can't do anything to stop them. That is why the awakened ones have to have less karma (if they have karma) being processed from the outside.

Conclusion - Ethical Behaviour to Awaken

It is imperative to have an ethical behaviour to be able to awaken because we need to stop creating karma and to be freer from the karma that we have. Because karma is like a weight that introduces a veil onto our consciousness and it is a shadow in the background of our psyche. It is also a negative psychological process within us that works against us and our awakening because with awakening we are going to get free and be joyful which is against our karma.
End (1619).

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