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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Law of Accidents – Be Careful! – (1589)


There exists such a law called the “Law of Accidents”. It was actually not so long ago that Gurdjieff made this law known to the western world. Perhaps Murphy’s Law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong) is a derivation or an expression of this same law.

Operates in Two Ways

As a Degrading Force

It operates in two ways. One way is that it works on an event or an initiative that has been started voluntarily and consciously as a kind of degrading force. This force introduces the lapse of attention through which things can go wrong and accidents can occur.

Many accidents occur due to carelessness, negligence and the lack of alertness on the part of human beings.

As an Unknown Element

The other way is that it presents an element of chaos or disorder which we can not control and of which there is no cause behind it. This element can appear unknowingly and by surprise, therefore it is always intelligent to take this into account and to have some sort of a backup plan or a means to be able to quickly mitigate the effects of any accidents that could occur.

Abysmal Multiplication

In the abyss the law of accidents multiplies frightfully many times over. This is because there are many more laws.

Can be Used by Karma

The law of accidents can be managed by the law of karma and can even be an instrument of karma. In such cases the law of accidents has a cause behind it.


Be always careful, always ask for protection, don’t get too complacent and don’t think you are invincible and always be as conscious as you can!!!

End (1589).

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