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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Desire and the Will of the Ego – (1588)

Origin of Physical Manifestation

The will of the ego is the origin of the manifestation in the mind, and therefore in the emotion and in the action.

The will of the ego is the ‘trouble maker’ so to speak.

In the will of the ego is the drive to fulfil a mysterious or obtuse lack or need. The will of the ego is the same desire of the ego.

The will of the ego or the desire of the ego has a reason for existing. A mysterious obtuse lack or need is the reason for the desire of the ego.

Desire of the Ego

The desire of the ego is the quantity of our will trapped in the ego. Being trapped in the ego is another way of saying that a quantity of our will is conditioned to fulfil the object of the desire, which is always an attempt to fill a certain lack or need.

Desire or the will of the ego always has a goal. The opposite of the goal reflects the mysterious obtuse need.

The will of the ego expresses in words as “I want”, “I need”.

Direction of Free Will

Will should be directed into not allowing our will to be poured into fulfilling that goal. Don’t allow will to flow into the channel of fulfilling that goal.

If we get the ego at the dimension of where it engages will we have the ego by the jugular.

Do you feel that you can send your consciousness up to the dimension of your will and nab the ego right up there before it enters the mind. Such a manoeuvre is one of pure consciousness and will.

Know the lack or need and fulfil it in the right way, then it is easier for us because that need is fulfilled and the trapped will does not have function.

End (1588).

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