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Wednesday 1 March 2017

What is the Suffering in Lust? – (1558)


Some people may think that there is no suffering in lust. Because seemingly it is about enjoyment. Yet there is. The suffering is in the result. Just as in the case of a person who takes drugs, while they are enjoying the ‘high’, they usually don’t suffer but only afterwards when the ‘high’ wears off do they suffer. Lust is the same.

Suffering of Lust

To lust we can trace back much of the suffering that humanity finds itself in now, as it was the cause or origin of the many egos that we have.

However, going down into detail, the main suffering in lust is emptiness and meaninglessness. When one suffers with lust it is the feelings of emptiness and senselessness that hurt.

Human beings Need Meaning, as well as Love

Lust is an opposite of these two qualities. This is because lust uses sexuality wrongly, it uses the disconnecting or separating or destroying power of sexuality unwisely (it should be used against the ego). Sexuality or the sexual energy has many powers within it, one is to create and another is to destroy. There are some other powers within the sexual energy as well, just for you to be aware.

When lust uses sexuality it acts in a way to disconnect one from one’s; dignity, morality, sense of order, sense of decency, sense of correctness, sense of appropriateness etc. When this happens one feels empty and as only these qualities, such as decency, dignity, ethics etc. are what give meaning we feel meaningless or void of meaning.


So then the suffering in lust is to be cut off from these values of our essence. So it is sort of like being cut away from ourselves. We then have to recuperate this connection and integration. The way is to use the sexual energy wisely and for that purpose.

End (1558).

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