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Tuesday 14 March 2017

When Annoyed the Perception of Something Being Wrong is Present – (1586)


Observe that when we get annoyed at something or someone there is always the perception that something is wrong, incorrect, dodgy, off, skewed, inconveniencing etc.

Even if we get annoyed at the way someone eats, that perception or very subtle thought that what they are doing is wrong (for some reason), is present.

If that perception or thought is not there, you will not get annoyed. No way! No how!

The Key

So there is the key of annoyance, the perception that something is wrong for some reason

Uproot the Reasons Why it is Wrong

So we have to uproot the reasons why we see it wrong and see if these reasons are valid or not, and if they are valid, do they warrant our annoyance, they could perhaps warrant a different approach from within our psychology, couldn’t they right?

Read the next post for some more information about the evocation of our inner force. This is very related to the work on eliminating annoyance because annoyance like anger is an invocation and use of our inner force.

End (1586).

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