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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Our Force Engages when Something is Wrong, Unjust, Harmful etc. Never Otherwise – (1587)

Observe your Force

Have you seen that your force only activates and engages when you are being harmed, inconvenienced, hurt, threatened, wronged, in difficulty, delayed all apparently or relatively unjustly.

Observe the Armed Forces of a Country

Exactly like a country, the armed forces of a country are only sent into action when the country or another is under threat or order within the country is under threat. The use of armed forces has much to do with protection, order, justice and balance.

Relation of all this to Annoyance

Because annoyance is a slight engagement of our force and because our force (if we are normal not crazy) only engages when something is wrong this proves that at the base of annoyance there is the perception that something is wrong.

When we annoyed with the way a person talks or approaches us or asks for something or eats it is because deep down at the very base of it, is the perception that it is wrong for some reason.

End (1587).

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