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Monday 24 April 2017

Fire Cascades – (1671)

Observing Fire

Observe the way a fire is lit.

You start with a striking a match and setting alight some paper. Then when the paper burns it sets alight some kindling, then the kindling sets alight some light wood. As the light wood burns the heavier pieces of wood slowly catch alight.

Fire descends from the lighter to the denser. There is no way that the heavier pieces of wood can catch fire from a match. They must receive their fire from a greater source.

Fire Descends from Above

Fire descends from above into the denser planes. It may descend from the causal or higher and slowly make its way down to the physical.

An interesting thing to observe is that a physical fire is lit using a triangle shape with the heavier pieces at the apex of the triangle and the lighter pieces as the base. Fire burns in the shape of a triangle and seeks to ascend and rise up once again into the superior worlds from whence it came.

So the fire that we have within us has come from the high reaches of our Being and it descends into us to take us back up to those places again.

End (1671).

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