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Monday 24 April 2017

Fire is Radical – (1670)


That is one obvious thing about fire. It is very radical. As soon as it touches something it leaves its mark. If what fire touches has not been tempered (touched by fire before) it leaves its mark in a very radical way. That is totally consuming it.

Fire and Earth

Earth seeks to contain fire, and when fire acts on Earth fire, further solidifies earth. Fire tempers Earth and makes Earth able to resists its future advances.

Metals are made stronger by being tempered by the fire. Metals in Alchemy were known as values of the essence. Every value that we have is made stronger though the various tests and trials.

There is no test or trial or temptation without the intervention of fire.

Temptation is Fire!

Master Samael said that temptation is fire and triumph over temptation is light.

Temptation is fire because it impels, it energises, it revolutionises, it puts us at the gate of being burnt or being transformed and liberated. There is also no light without fire. Fire produces light. With temptation we have the two options of fire before us: to be burnt by failing or be shown the light by not succumbing.

End (1670).

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