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Friday 21 April 2017

Forgive Our Trespasses as we Forgive those who Trespass Against Us - (1666)


This petition from the "Our Father" hides a very special psychological truth that is extraordinarily helpful.

Hidden Truth

This petition from the "Our Father" actually has some relation to the work on the ego of self-love and balance in general.

This petition says that we can not be forgiven until we begin to forgive others. As soon as we start to forgive others our forgiveness begins. The same applies to the ego of self-love. 

We can begin to fill ourselves with love as soon as we give love to others. This is because psychology when we have given love to others we can feel a wave of appreciation towards ourselves and towards our Being. 

Clears Karmic Debts

Doing this also helps us clear karmic debts that we have with others. The ego of self-love can be very difficult to eliminate when we have in the past made others to feel awful about themselves through much derision, criticism, very cutting insults etc. Therefore loving others or simply helping them begins to cancel these debts and in accordance with the way these debts are cleared we can begin to fill ourselves with love in a manner independent of others loving us or not, which means the end of the ego of self-love.

We have the ego of self-love because we can not maintain an inner balance when others offend us or wrong us. The ego of self-love is about seeking balance, but getting others to balance things for us by extracting the love we should of received from them by force. 


Begin to forgive ours to be forgiven and love others to fill ourselves with  love, help others to be helped, care for others so to be cared for etc.

End (1666).

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